I create software for fun and money.

The disadvantages principle

Mon, Jan 29 2024

It's easy to get hyped up about something and jump right into using or buying it. A new programming language, new sports equipment, or a new vehicle.

However, as I get older, I find... Read more »

Focus is a developer's best friend

Wed, Oct 18 2023

Ever since my daughter was born, the time I can devote to hobby programming has become scarce.

I consider that a good thing, though. It made me realize how important focus is, especi... Read more »

I'm too good to learn Java

Mon, Mar 13 2023

Or at least, that's what I thought for my first three years of programming.

Before knowing much about the business side of IT, I only wanted to learn cool, beloved languages like Py... Read more »

Small things add up

Thu, Oct 06 2022

Yesterday I had a conversation with an ex-colleague of mine. He asked me what I had been up to in the past few months.

And frankly, my answer was quite a mouthful.

I fi... Read more »

How to create temporary commits in Git

Sun, May 08 2022

We've all been there. You're working on a new feature. It's not ready yet, but you've written a substantial amount of code which you don't want to lose.

You think of pushing it to yo... Read more »